Story Synopsis:
"The Dark Crystal" is a magical and imaginative marvel from the genius of Jim Henson that tells the story of the gentle Gelflings and their race against time to save the good light of their world before it is destroyed by evil. In order to do this, they must find the missing piece to a dark crystal. (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The Superbit 2.40:1 DVD offers a more crisp, detailed picture, especially noticed deeper in the backgrounds of the extensive sets. While the picture has somewhat of a dated character, colors are nicely balanced, with accurate fleshtones and generally deep blacks. The same flecks of dirt are noticed in the source element used for both versions. There is little in the way of distracting edge enhancement or pixelization for a picture that is surely the best that is available for this title to date. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby Digital 5.1-channel soundtrack is a new encoding at 448 kbps, and is several dB higher in overall volume level than the previous DVD version, due to the fact that no dialnorm offset has been employed. The DTS Digital Surround audio sounds a little more spatially coherent, but the Dolby Digital version seems to exhibit slightly more prominence in the low-end. In general, fidelity is noticeably dated. The soundstage is rather active throughout, though with a balance toward the screen channels. The sonic character can be somewhat forward and strident at times. There is some rather effective engagement of deep bass. (Perry Sun)
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