Story Synopsis:
Thirteen years after an unfulfilled prom date with outgoing Mary Jenson (Diaz), the still-lovesick Ted Stroehmann (Stiller) is prompted to hire Pat Healy (Dillon), a man of questionable morals, to track her down in the rude, crude hilarious comedy "There
DVD Picture:
When compared to the previously released, non-anamorphic DVD, this new anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD exhibits a slightly sharper and more detailed picture. The color palette appears to be the same as the previous DVD, and is naturally rendered, with accurate fleshtones, bright colors and deep, pure blacks. However, when comparing this new DVD to the D-VHS
In comparison to the original DVD release, the Dolby
This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities: Subscribe Now!
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