Story Synopsis:
Set during 1998, at the height of the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal, Coleman Silk (Hopkins), Dean of Faculty and Professor of Classics at Athena College in Western Massachusetts finds himself involved in a scandal of his own. As he finds his life unraveling before him, Silk does all he can to protect the secret he has been keeping for most of his life, one that even those most near and dear to him don
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.40:1 DVD picture exhibits a warm, nicely balanced color palette, with accurate fleshtones, rich hues, and deep blacks. Contrast and shadow delineation are nicely rendered as well. The picture is mostly sharp, often appearing nicely textured, though other scenes can seem a bit undefined. Unfortunately, edge enhancement can be quite offensive with this title with halos often separating objects from their surroundings, but there is little in the way of obtrusive pixelization. (Suzanne Hodges)
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