Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by Mia Cabot, The Princess Diaries tells the story of Mia Thermopolis (Hathaway), whose goal in life is to be invisible and make it through a school day without being sat upon, laughed at, or addressed in class. But now she is confronted by her estranged grandmother with the fact that she is heir to the throne of Genovia. So it
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD picture appears to be the same excellent transfer as the previously released DVD reviewed in Issue 57. The picture exhibits images that are sharp and nicely detailed. Colors are rich, with nicely balanced fleshtones and deep blacks. Images are often quite clean and solid, with little in the way of pixelization, though some edge enhancement can be distracting at times. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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