Story Synopsis:
In a remote island off the southern coast of Australia, better known as Tasmania, there lived an eccentric "Young" scientist named Albert "Einstein" (Serious). Not at all happy with working on his parent's apple farm, Einstein's dream was to become a physicist, where he could put his talents to use. After making a shocking discovery while experimenting with beer, Albert's dreams finally become a reality, and the world was never quite the same again. (Tricia Littrell)
DVD Picture:
Available for the first time on DVD, the anamorphically enhanced picture is generally pleasing at best. The 1.78:1 image looks a bit dated, and sharpness varies from satisfying to undefined. The color palette is generally well balanced, at times with richly saturated hues. Fleshtones are nicely rendered, and blacks are deep, but often undefined. The picture lacks a smooth, natural appearance. Film grain is noticed, especially in the darker scenes, and there are also flecks of dirt and scratches inherent in the source element. Pre-teens will get a kick out of the dumb hijinks, but this DVD is really not a great choice to show off in your home theatre. (Suzanne Hodges)
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