DVD Picture:
The DVD has been authored from a fresh digital video transfer and while the picture is dramatically sharper and more detailed than the previous LaserDisc, first reviewed in Issue 1, either the new transfer or the DVD mastering is bad, as there is vertical shaking throughout. Nothing that is stationary stays stationary. Comparatively, the LD is rock stable. The anamorphic DVD is even sharper and more detailed compared to the letterbox DVD version that is intended for 1.33:1 displays. The visual impact is incredible with fine details that are resolved for a realistic three-dimensional living picture with exceptional depth. All the other quality aspects are virtually the same, except that the fleshtones are slightly redder on the DVD and noise is apparent on the LaserDisc. Both the DVD and LD are recomposed to a 1.78:1 aspect ratio, not the theatrical 1.85:1.
This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities: Subscribe Now!
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