Story Synopsis:
The year is 2008. Appointed President Walter Emerson (Pollak) finds himself and his entourage stranded in Colorado during a wicked snowstorm. Suddenly, he gets word that Iraqi leaders have mounted a huge military offensive in the Middle East and the leader of the free world must set up a command post in a small-town diner. The President, along with his top aides (Hutton & Ralph), must make earth-shaking (literally) desicions at every turn of events in an effort to keep world peace. What defensive measures should the President authorize and what will work as a Deterrence to keep the Iraqis from further aggressive actions? Watch for director Rod Lurie in a cameo and Lassie alum June Lockhart as Secretary Of State Clift. (Laurie Sevano)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD begins with a nicely rendered gray scale picture (not referring to the blurry news broadcasts), but after the opening titles, the film moves to color. Color fidelity is fully saturated, with a hint of oversaturation evident in fleshtones. Blacks are deep, but often undefined, and some minor smearing is apparent. Images are generally sharp and detailed, though clarity and openness are wanting. Though sometimes nicely rendered, the overall the picture is unimpressive.
The Dolby
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