Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses stars Matt Damon as John Cole, a native son of Texas, who, along with his friend Lacey Rawlins (Thomas), heads south of the border into Mexico in search of adventure after the death of his father and the loss of the family ranch. John and Henry find work as wranglers on a vast ranchero, but John takes his immersion into Mexican culture one step further: he falls for and begins a torrid love affair with the wealthy landowner
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD exhibits a beautiful picture, with rich, fully saturated colors that create a natural-looking picture. Flesthones appear accurately rendered, and blacks are generally deep. Images are sharp, with fine details noticed from the holes in a woven cowboy hat to facial features and lush backgrounds. Contrast and shadow delineation are nicely rendered, with even the darkest scenes in candlelit interiors revealing of visual information. Edge enhancement is minor, but noticed throughout. The cinematography and sprawling locations are stunning. Whether a seasoned equestrian or inexperienced rider, after viewing this movie, almost anyone would want to saddle up. (Suzanne Hodges)
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