Story Synopsis:
Toys is an odd combination of drama, comedy, and musical with a touch of horror. Writer/producer/director Barry Levinson has created a masterpiece of screen design full of stunning visual delights and colorful sets. Production designer Ferdinando Scarfiotti and a team of visionary artists have produced a bold experiment in art direction. The action takes place at the Zevo toy factory when the founder, Kenneth Zevo (Donald O
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD picture exhibits improvements in detail and contrast when compared to the LaserDisc. Images are generally sharp and at times finely detailed. Colors are rich and vibrant, with well balanced fleshtones and deep blacks. There is a natural quality about the picture, with the plastic toys exhibiting realistic hues to compliment the smooth, shiny textures. The picture is clean, with few distractions and should surely please. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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