Story Synopsis:
In Bombay, 1993, Aman disappears during devastating riots, while his sister and mother watch from their balcony. Years later, Fiza (Kapoor) is still searching for her beloved brother. Though chances of finding him alive are grim, she does not give up hope. The music adds emotion to the storytelling. Includes a making-of featurette with interviews and excerpts from a press conference. (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.55:1 DVD exhibits a very colorful picture, with hues that are well balanced. Fleshtones exhibit accurate saturation, and the bluish blacks are generally deep throughout. Images are sharp and nicely detailed, and clarity and depth are quite impressive. There is some loss of detail attributable to noise reduction, but overall the picture is quite solid, with limited edge enhancement. The source element is revealing of a few major artifacts, and occasionally the negative splices are noticed at the top of the picture. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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