Story Synopsis:
Tron is a story about Flynn (Bridges), a young computer whiz who invents video games. Flynn is zapped into his computer by evil forces who answer to the Master Control Program while trying to stop huge communications conglomerate ENCOM from stealing his video game programs. There he teams up with the rebel program Tron, in a life or death video game battle, challenging the evil MCP, in a heroic attempt to save humankind and return to the real world.
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.20:1 DVD - sourced from original 65mm and VistaVision elements - appears to be sharper and more defined when compared to the previously reviewed, non-anamorphic DVD. The picture is much smoother than the previous version. Colors are well balanced, if a little dated, and images are nicely detailed. While contrast seems a bit low at times, and visual information is limited in the darker scenes, the picture should be quite satisfying. The heavily-composited visual effects scenes are revealing of some grain, but otherwise images are solid. The source element is also revealing of some minor dirt. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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