Story Synopsis:
Susan Traherne (Streep) is an emotionally tortured Englishwoman looking for solace and a decent life in the aftermath of World War II. Her decision to engage in an affair with a spy during (Neill) the war in occupied France results in Plenty of emotional consequences when she tries to move on with her life. Over the next 20 years, Susan finds jobs in the business and diplomatic worlds, but her life unravels as she tries survive a stale marriage to a diplomat (Dance) and have a child with her angry young lover (Sting). (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced DVD, framed at 2.35:1, exhibits a nicely rendered picture, with subtly accurate color fidelity. Fleshtones appear natural and blacks are generally deep. The color scheme nicely complements the setting of the film. Images are sharp, with satisfying detail and definition. Contrast and shadow delineation appear to be well balanced. Edge enhancement can be bothersome, however occasional pixelization is detected. (Suzanne Hodges)
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