Captain Fantastic centers on a family that has found its bliss in a splendid, unplugged lifestyle and follows their rocky return to society. Viggo Mortensen stars as a nontraditional father who raises his six children in the forest of the Pacific Northwest, isolated from society. When he is forced to bring his family out of seclusion and into the world, it leads to a confrontation with his father-in-law (Langella), who wants his grandchildren to have a normal life. Now he must question if his methods are the best for his family. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the featurette Insane Or Insanely Great? (HD 04:01), upfront previews, and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.38:1 1080p AVC picture is quite natural in appearance. The color palette is generally naturally hued, especially in the mountainous, forested scenes. Hues are at times nicely saturated with richness and warmth, but at other times far weaker, Fleshtones exhibit natural hues. Contrast during scenes in the forested areas is quite good, but elsewhere, during scenes in urban areas, black levels and shadow delineation vary from wanting to well balanced. Resolution is generally good during close-ups but soft otherwise. Slight noise is evident in the darker scenes. Overall, the picture exhibits a natural feel and is pleasing. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is dialogue focused, as is most of the entire sonics. Atmospherics are subtle but realistic. The music score nicely sets the mood and provides the extent of surround envelopment, which is generally nuanced. Dialogue sounds perfectly natural, with generally good spatial integration. This is a relatively quiet soundtrack that maintains an excellent emotional mood. (Gary Reber)