Wonders Of The Arctic centers on the ongoing mission to explore and come to terms with the Arctic, and the compelling stories of the many forays into this captivating world. The filmmakers note that the Arctic has always been a place of mystery, myth and fascination. The Inuit and their predecessors adapted and thrived for thousands of years in what is arguably the harshest environment on Earth. Today, the Arctic is the focus of intense research. instead of seeking to conquer the north, scientist pioneers are searching for answers to some troubling questions about the impacts of human activities around the world in this fragile and largely uninhabited frontier. (Gary Reber)
Special features include Fednav corporate video trailers and a digital copy. The disc also contains the 4K Ultra HD version.
The 1.85:1 1080p, 1.78:1 MVC native 3D picture was originally photographed in native 3D for IMAX Giant Screen Theatres, with photography and stereography by Simon de Glanville, using the IMAX 3DC camera system. While this is not the 4K Ultra HD review, it is apparent that will be an excellent example of what the difference in dynamic range will be in the Ultra HD version. Still, color nuances in the ice forms are evident and contrast with humans and objects, such as the brilliant red-colored ice-breaker ship, is quite striking. Down under the permafrost in the nickel ore mine, shadow delineation and black levels are excellent. The strong-hued Inuit village also nicely contrasts with the white ice. Fleshtones are consistently natural. The 3D effect is fantastic, showing a vast landscape, with ice and piercing mountains exhibiting unbelievable depth and perspective. Likewise, the 3D effect applied to the under-sea segments is wonderful. The above-water sequences are magnificently dimensional, with tremendous depth and perspectives of the vastness. The best 3D effect occurs when there are objects in the foreground, from which depth can be easely perceived. Everything is impressively realistic and conveys a sense of being there. Resolution is best during close-ups of people, boats, and villages, and as well clothing and instrumentations used in scientific research. Overall, a convincing sense of realism is achieved with this 3D presentation. (Gary Reber)
The Dolby Atmos//TrueHD 7.1-channel soundtrack's music score is the primary sound element and occupies awide and deep soundstage that extends aggressively to the four surround channels. A natural-sounding bass fountain is integral to the music. The music is nicely diversified but mostly orchestral. Fidelity is excellent. Atmospherics and sound effects are occasional but effective and at times spatially defined. Otherwise, the narration and brief conversations among the scientists and the Inuits are front focused, with good spatial integration. The narration nicely projects forward. This is a nicely complementary soundtrack to the stunning 3D
visuals. (Gary Reber)