"Turtle Odyssey: Bunji's Big Adventure" follows the adventure of Bunji, a sea turtle—one of the sea's most intriguing creatures—as she journeys through tropical oceans. Sea Turtles are some of the most majestic and ancient creatures on Earth. For over 100 million years, they have traveled the seas, surviving multiple mass extinctions and playing critical roles in maintaining a healthy, marine food chain. Not only do these friendly animals captivate us as they peacefully glide through the ocean, but their personal journeys of survival are equally fascinating. The documentary explores the unique life cycle of an Australian Sea Turtle named Bunji and her incredible journey across the ocean. Bunji is followed from a hatchling into adulthood as she swims thousands of miles, meeting incredible creatures and having some truly wild encounters. (Gary Reber)
Special features include an interview with Dr. Ian Bell, Senior Conservation Officer (HD 13:10), a trailer, and promo spots (HD 03:06).
The 1.78:1 2160p HEVC/H.265 Ultra HD HDR10 IMAX enhanced picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, was photographed digitally using the Red Monstro and Red Weapon Helium camera systems and sourced from a 4K master Digital Intermediate format. The picture was converted to 3D by Definition Studios Australia and Giant Screen 3D Films Australia but no 3D Blu-ray was provided for review. The picture is absolutely gorgeous with incredibly vibrant color fidelity. The wide color gamut really is on exhibit in the wondrously amazing photography. Nuanced hues are in every frame, with excellent variations in tonal character. HDR contrast is superb with deep blacks, such as night skies and the blackness of the ocean depths at night, deep ocean shadow delineation, and bright white levels. Resolution also is superb with amazing fine detail exhibited throughout. This is one of the most spectacular 4K Ultra HD presentations one can experience with perfect naturalness, which warms the heart for the preservation of nature. (Gary Reber)
The IMAX Enhanced DTS:X/DTS Master Audio™ 7.1-channel soundtrack is wonderful with basically only an orchestral score and the story narration by Russell Crowe. Occasional sound effects and atmospheric ocean sounds enhance the realism. A powerful thunderstorm excites low-end bass extension and powerful .1 LFE but is always natural sounding and never exaggerated. Orchestral fidelity is superb, and the soundstage is wide and deep with room-filling surround envelopment.
The Immersive Sound element is primarily the orchestral score extended to the height layer, along with various and occasional ocean sounds, a large boat propelled above, a whale's tale flapping and splashes, wave sounds, thunder and lighting and other minor atmospherics. The result is a nicely enveloping sense of spatial dimensionality.
This is a wonderful and well-crafted holosonic® spherical surround soundtrack that perfectly complements the stunning imagery. (Gary Reber)