In The Day, a terrifying look into a post-apocalyptic future follows a group of five survivors, armed with shotguns, axes, and machetes, as they wander the back roads of a ravaged landscape looking for refuge. As war ravages humanity, destroying civilization and most of life on earth, the survivors realize they must do whatever it takes to stay alive. Lost, starving, and exhausted, they seek shelter in a seemingly safe abandoned farmhouse. However, while searching for food and resources, they unwittingly set off a trap signaling to their ruthless predators lying in wait to begin their deadly attack. With food and ammunition dwindling, the group must make a desperate final stand—over a 24-hour period—battling for their ultimate survival. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the theatrical trailer and upfront previews.
The 1080p AVC picture is stylized with extreme desaturation, exhibiting a black-and-white gray scale. One short segment is colorized with exaggerated hues. Contrast is balanced with deep blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Resolution is softly focused, with detail revealed in extreme close-ups. The gloomy overcast picture is reminiscent of the original older black-and-white horror films. Atmospherically, the look is creepy and haunting. (Gary Reber)
The Dolby® TrueHD 5.1-channel soundtrack is well produced with a creative atmospheric and sound effect energy propelled by an intense synthesized music score that pulsates rhythm. The music is supported with intense deep bass impact in the .1 LFE channel. Surround envelopment is aggressive and at times intense. A rain storm is effectively delivered with realistic immersion. Dialogue is prominent, but at times is unclear and wanting in spatial integration. This is an intense soundtrack that is engaging throughout. (Gary Reber)