The Conjuring tells the true story of world-renowned paranormal investigators Ed and Loraine Warren (Wilson, Farmiga) who were called upon to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in a secluded farmhouse. Forced to confront a powerful demonic entity, the Warrens find themselves caught in the most horrifying case of their lives. In helping the family haunted by a demonic force, they find themselves trapped in their own horrifying nightmare. (Gary Reber)
Special features include three featurettes: The Conjuring: Face-To-Face With Terror (HD 06:39), A Life In Demonology (HD 15:39), and Scaring The '@$*??%' Out Of You (HD 08;04); upfront previews; and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.40:1 1080p AVC picture is naturally rendered, with no exaggerated hues. The color palette exhibits hues that are rich and warm, with natural fleshtones. Contrast is balanced with deep blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Much of the picture is shadowy dark, which heightens the sense of demonic terror. Resolution is generally softly focused, with revealing detail limited to close-ups. Overall, the imagery is decent and satisfying, but not particularly distinguished. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is atmospherically driven, with nuanced sonics and dynamic bursts to support the demonic activity. Sound effects are convincingly realistic, whether nuanced or pronounced. Deep bass is provided by .1 LFE energy, which extends at times to sub-25 Hz frequencies. The music score is hauntingly presented with a wide and deep soundstage that extends to the surrounds. Dialogue is intelligible but with a forward presence and often wanting in spatial integration. Overall, this is an effectively crafted soundtrack that heightens the terror and thrills, especially towards the end. (Gary Reber)