Searching: year: 2025 month: 1 day: 22
I was always told to seek the superlative, and where home entertainment is concerned, WSR makes sure that my reach always exceeds my grasp. Fortunately, in this case, it's a good thing. I can count on WSR to always go beyond what every other magazine in the industry can provide. It has inspired me to explore the concepts, both technical and subjective, to the extent that I even feel smarter about home entertainment technology. Hardware and software are both dealt with in an informative and engaging way, so the value of the magazine surpasses its modest price. WSR has been a great inspiration for my wishes and dreams. I wish I could afford the ultra wares I see covered in the magazine. Nevertheless, I am wiser because I have gained a sense of judgment through reading WSR. (I must admit to having a bit of common sense, though, since I have been using Monster Cable products for over 10 years!) I hope WSR will continue to ignite the interest in its audience as it has up to now.
Name Unknown
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